UTEさん お元気ですか?Hello I am hirofumi Nakata ,Kayo's husband in Japan. Kayo and I sometimes watch your HP and are enjoying it. I don't know if you have already gotten to know ,but we have moved to Tokyo from Osaka since February 2008. I feel from 6 months stay that Tokyo is more exciting and energitic city than Osaka. If you have a chance to come to Japan again , don't hesitate to let us know. For your arrival, we do our best to learn German! お元気で!
2 Kommentare:
お元気ですか?Hello I am hirofumi Nakata ,Kayo's husband in Japan.
Kayo and I sometimes watch your HP and are enjoying it.
I don't know if you have already gotten to know ,but we have moved to Tokyo from Osaka since February 2008. I feel from 6 months stay that Tokyo is more exciting and energitic city than Osaka.
If you have a chance to come to Japan again , don't hesitate to let us know. For your arrival, we do our best to learn German!
えええええ! こんにちは! あいさつを とても よろこんで いますよ. ひろふみさん と かよさんは いま とうきょうに すんでいる ことは しりませんでした. てがみで あたらしい じゅうしょを かけて ください.
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